Thursday, September 4, 2008

Où on peut me trouver

Chères soeurs,
I have proved myself wildly inept in my first little musing; I hardly gave any space to the charming little city in which I live. As I say, New Haven is simply charming, charm itself if you may. There is color and there is charm, and New Haven is most definitely the latter; it, therefore, strikes one as most odd that one should be cautioned to walk with vigilance in this darling city, so charming. And I really don't know how I shall be able to sleep without the sweet, omnipresent sounds of the New Haven police sirens, alive at all hours of the day and night.
I fear the naysayers, in their fashion, misrepresent the city. For instance, the legions of idle, slightly addled, vagrants seem perfectly sweet to me, soaking up the New Haven charm, one can only suppose.

1 comment:

mimitutu said...

chere sD.
nous sommes à agadir ce weekend; et naturallement nous sommes presque les plus bellles à la plage; et la plus grossis peut=etre aussi. Alors, nous vous ecrite immediatement quand nous retournons a Marrakech. Pour le moment, votre blog est complet genius. Cest un mot? Je pense que non.
Les bisoux bisoux bisoux,
les soeurs